Profiles of Courage

Friday, April 19th, 2024

Music is one of the simplest ways we can all connect.

Travis County Emergency Services District No. 2 x Profiles of Courage is a family-friendly playlist series on Spotify that gives members of our community the opportunity to get to know the faces behind the gear.

We hope you enjoy listening to these playlists and in doing so become more familiar with the heroes on our team whose mission is to save lives.

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Profiles of Courage Spotlight: Drew Dilworth, Apparatus Specialist & Paramedic

“My interest in becoming a firefighter began at the age of 12 y/o when I went to an event with a family friend who was an LA County Firefighter. I witnessed a tight-knit community within the fire service, which was like a second family. The variety and diversity of the work was appealing to me, and I thrive on new experiences and learning opportunities. That dream fell away until I got married and we had our first child. I was determined to get into this career, moved to Texas and didn’t give up on my dream. At 31, I achieved my goal! Driven by a strong desire to serve the community and help others in times of need, I obtained my paramedic license. Being able to make a difference in people’s lives during emergencies is rewarding. It’s been almost 10 yrs, with Pflugerville and I still enjoy coming to work and facing the unknown. I hope to inspire young people to pursue their dreams and make a positive impact in their community like my family friend did for me. It took some time to create this music playlist, because I couldn’t figure out what direction I wanted to go. I enjoy going to music festivals, because you get to listen to several different genres at one venue. This playlist was created with that in mind, hope you find at least one track you can jam to!” – Drew Dilworth, Apparatus Specialist & Paramedic

Profiles of Courage Spotlight: Sean Dreas, Apparatus Specialist

“I began my firefighting career later than most at the age of 32. The number of years I worked in the private sector as well as the life experience gained growing up in a very small rural town provided a great base with which to build a successful career in firefighting. When this opportunity was presented, I knew it was what I wanted to do and, even many years later, would do nothing different. I enjoy coming to work where you never know what problems you’ll be solving and whose life you may be affecting in a positive way when they may otherwise be having a bad day. As far as music goes, I’m not usually into creating playlists, I prefer more randomness than what I can create out of my own head, and considering what’s in my head, that’s exceptionally random. If you ever find yourself in a situation that’s not quite an emergency but you just need some classic ‘80’s inspiration, allow me to suggest The Emergency Hall and Oates Helpline; 1-719-266-2837.”

Profiles of Courage Spotlight: Cordiella Brazziell, Firefighter/EMT

“My journey started with me feeling a bit lost and unfulfilled. I discovered fire service on a whim and felt that spark inside I had been missing and looking for. Travis County Emergency Service District No. 2 gave me an opportunity to realize a dream that might not have been possible without their cadet program. With hard work and determination, I was able to overcome myself and many obstacles along the way. I am still working to find a good balance daily as an individual, wife, homeschooling mother of three children, and Firefighter/EMT. I enjoy these songs very often whether on or off shift. They remind me of journey past and ahead.” – Cordiella Brazziell, Firefighter/EMT